Spotlight on C3: Accelerating Sustainability Start-ups

August 30, 2024
by CSN Staff

Q&A with innovation solutions provider C3. The company helps entrepreneurs unlock unique opportunities, providing curated learning journeys tailored for impact-driven startups. CSN talks to Lana Azhari, Research and Insights Manager.

What makes your accelerator program unique in the sustainability and climate tech space?

Our programs at C3 are uniquely designed to embed sustainability into the foundation of business growth. We don’t just focus on helping startups grow; we ensure that their growth is aligned with long-term environmental and social impact. By combining rigorous business training with a deep commitment to sustainability, we empower startups to become forces for positive change, capable of addressing the world’s most pressing challenges in innovative and impactful ways.

How does your accelerator support the growth and success of startups focused on sustainability?

Our accelerator offers a rich ecosystem of resources designed to foster the growth of sustainability-focused startups. Drawing on over a decade of experience working with impact-driven ventures, we share valuable insights and lessons learned to help founders navigate their unique challenges. We provide tailored training, connect startups with a network of industry experts, investors—all while ensuring that their growth is aligned with sustainable practices. 

What criteria do you use to select startups for your program, and how do you ensure they align with your sustainability goals?

We select startups based on their potential to drive meaningful change and their alignment with key social and environmental sustainability goals. While some startups may be at the beginning of their impact journey, we’re committed to working with them to develop and refine their sustainability strategies. Our selection process is comprehensive, including evaluations of their innovation potential, scalability, and commitment to sustainability. Through this, we ensure that each startup we work with has the foundation to grow in a way that aligns with our shared vision of positive impact.


The company works across a variety of sectors.

What successes or milestones has your accelerator achieved in advancing climate tech and sustainability innovations?

Over the past twelve years, C3 has contributed to the success of numerous startups that have achieved significant milestones in climate tech and sustainability. Our group of almost 300 alumni have collectively raised over $540 million in funding, including an IPO in the climate tech sector. Startups such as Desert Control, which combats desertification with innovative soil solutions, and Hydro Wind Energy, which focuses on renewable energy, have made remarkable progress. While we are proud to have supported their journey, these achievements are a testament to the founders’ vision and determination to drive change and their solutions’ innovation. 

What strategies and resources are necessary to help these startups overcome their challenges and successfully implement their sustainability solutions?

To help startups succeed in sustainability, it’s crucial to align their impact goals with their business models. We focus on providing strategies that ensure their growth is not only scalable but also sustainable. This involves offering tailored guidance on integrating sustainability into every aspect of their business. The business aspect is equally critical to a startup’s success, which is why our programs encompass everything from pitching to business fundamentals, strategy, governance, and talent development.We also connect them with resources and partnerships that can help them navigate regulatory challenges and expand their market reach. By aligning impact with business success, we empower startups to create solutions that are both financially viable and environmentally responsible.