Climate Solutions News is for people who are interested in technology solutions for climate change and nature. Whether you are a climate activist, or you’re here from a starting point of mild interest, indifference or even scepticism.

Climate Solutions News is published by RESET Media Group and our team of journalists includes highly experienced climate writers and producers.

We aim to bring you news and views about the technologies that can address the dire emergency that we face from climate change and loss of nature and biodiversity.

Climate Solutions News (CSN) aims to fill a gap: the general news media covers some of these important stories sometimes, but not enough. Specialist media will come at the topic from particular angles for a particular audience e.g. cement stories for a cement audience. We’ll be looking at all types of interesting technology solutions, from consumer technologies to large-scale industrial. We will also cover policy debates and issues, with an emphasis on simplification for a broad audience.

We are very grateful to our Partners who support our aims. If you would like to discuss partnership opportunities, please do get in contact.


Climate Solutions News is proud to Partner with organizations that are unlocking the power of technology to drive positive action on climate and nature.

Net Zero Insights
Nexus Climate
GITEX Impact